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Lets do show and tell to my Nana! I want to show her all my papers!

Student Z
private therapy

Summer Camps

Will schedule for summer camps right after Spring Break.  Register early! 

There are two ways to register for Classes/Camps:

Call the clinic at 972-633-1974 for available class times and pricing

Go to our online scheduling site, located here. Once there click on the "CLASSES" tab for a list of available class times and prices. You can also pay and register for classes online. Online registration requires full payment for the class, if you would like to register by paying a $100 deposit with the balance due the first day of class, please call the clinic to register.

If you are unsure of which class is appropriate for your child you can refer to the brochure, or call the clinic.

We had 250 kids come to summer camp last summer – classes fill very quickly!

Exact hours and times of camps change frequently as classes are added. We do not keep a current class schedule online as most classes are SMALL groups, and fill quickly. We add classes whenever possible when schedules fill up. Please call Karen at the clinic between 10:30- and 5:00 M - F (972-633-1974) to register for a camp (you must call to register). Registration requires a $100 nonrefundable deposit - this allows us to keep a low student-teacher ratio.

Click here for current brochure