The Handwriting Clinic/Jan McCleskey, MA, OTR has been providing workshops since 2002 on fine motor and handwriting skills using First Strokes Handwriting Programs. There are two ways to attend a workshop.

1. Facility Sponsored Workshops:  Jan is available for one or two day workshops at your facility.  See menu for facility sponsored workshop brochures! Facilities are responsible for providing their own CEU credits. These workshops can be individualized for different audiences:  Teachers, dyslexia therapists, occupational therapists.

2. Online/Distance Learning Workshops: The Handwriting Clinic is an AOTA approved provider of inservices. These workshops are targeted to occupational therapists. Jan has 2 current workshops available as distance learning/online workshops.

See menu above for brochures for these two workshops.  Links to these current online workshops are below: